Hi there Webbies. Yes I in facted had another blood test, my third in as many weeks. I’m figuring by the end of this process I’ll either have kidlets or no problems with needles, maybe both. Actually that would be kind nice, both. I’m not very fearful in general. Heights, needles, and death are my big three. I don’t think much is going to stop that third one though. As for heights, I’ll live. It’s not like I sky dive for a living so, it’s not a big worry.
The other thing that happened since my last post was I got to go see Young Frankenstein. A good time was had by all. The singing was excellent, the dance numbers were beautiful, and the special effects were amazing. In case you haven’t gotten it by now, I liked it. If I had a compliant it would be the sound at the beginning was a little off making it kind of hard to understand, but they fixed it pretty fast. I highly recommend going to see it. One note of caution though, it is very PG-13. Many sexual innuendos and outuendos even, so my suggestion is to leave the kidlets at home.
There was one more thing I wanted to post today… A challenge! NaNoWriMo is in November that’s only two and a half months away. For those of you webbies who are not in the know, NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month. Basically it’s a whole bunch of people who try to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I attempted it last year and sadly didn’t finish, but this year I am determined too! So there may not be very many post in November because of that. Not that there are many webbies who have read my little site, but I challenge all two of you who have, to leave freinds and family behind and spend the month of November cuddled up to your favorite word processor, pouring out pure nonsense from your fingertips. You can find out all about it here.
Keep Surfing Webbies and may all your Imaginings be Fertile
— Stara